Wednesday, September 11, 2013

144 Envelopes Fundraiser

Now that we are matched, we will need to provide a large portion of the finances for our adoption. We are still a long ways from our total need, and though it is difficult for me to ask (because of pride), we would like to humbly ask your help with this fundraiser:

Here is the idea:

We take 144 envelopes. We number each envelope 1-144. (that's the easy part)

Next, we will ask people to commit to taking an envelope (or more than one if you are feeling overly ambitious and super generous. :)

When you agree to an envelope, it means that you are volunteering to be responsible for coming up with the dollar amount on your numbered envelope. So, if you have the number 1 you would commit to $1. If you have the number 2 you would be committing to $2, and so on. The highest numbered envelope is 144. So the most anyone would commit to is $144.

*You do not have to come up with the money on your own. Ask your friends and family members to join you. Perhaps you could have your small group commit to taking an envelope or two, or you could do your own fundraiser. (If you do this, please let us know, so we can advertise your fundraiser and give others ideas on how they could raise funds!)

Your envelope will be sent to you with the number you have requested. It will already have a stamp and our address for you to send your pledge back to us once you have collected it. (We are having them sent to our personal address to collect them all to send them into our adoption agency together).

Now here is the incredible thing...

If all 144 envelopes are committed to and returned...this fundraiser would bring in $10,000! 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Its Happening!

It's a boy!!!

We received a referral from Celebrate Children International on August 29th, 2013!  He is approximately 10 months old and his name is Terefe!  
We should be able to bring him home in January, 2014.

Erin and I are so excited!

We've seen countless photos and a video of him; we are in love.  He's adorable!

God is amazing.
Each time a payment is due, he's made sure we have almost the exact amount needed in our adoption fund.

In order to bring him home, we will be having more fundraisers in the coming months.  We hope to have a dinner/silent auction type fundraiser in late October.

Terefe, we can't wait to meet you!